Cursed Techniques are the foundation of Jujutsu Kaisen. As the primary power system in the series, there are numerous fascinating and completely unique Cursed Techniques, varying from extremely powerful to more situational, with a few that might seem almost ineffective. Yet, among the most powerful characters, their Cursed Techniques stand out as truly exceptional.
One notable instance is Limitless, which has propelled Gojo to the status of the strongest sorcerer in the contemporary era. While it may seem like just an amazing technique that makes the user nearly invincible and extraordinarily powerful, the physics involved in Limitless actually enhance its effectiveness beyond what we first thought. Let’s take a closer look at how Limitless operates and why it’s often viewed as the most formidable Cursed Technique in Jujutsu Kaisen.
The Physics Behind Limitless
Gojo’s Cursed Technique

At first, the Limitless Cursed Technique looks like it grants Gojo the ultimate defense, preventing anything from reaching him. On the attack front, he can execute three different projectile techniques called Lapse Blue, Reversal Red, and Hollow Purple. However, a more thorough investigation shows that each of these techniques is even more formidable and captivating than one might have assumed.
With Limitless, users can engage with the concept of infinity in unique ways, resulting in a distortion of space that is evident in the diverse attacks Gojo can unleash. This spatial manipulation also has defensive applications, as demonstrated by Gojo’s impressive forcefield that constantly surrounds him, offering protection from almost any threat.
Infinity exists everywhere. My Jujutsu just brings it forward in reality.
The forcefield showcases the notion of infinite distance by progressively splitting the gap between Gojo and any external danger. To everyone watching, it looks like any attack aimed at him stops just before making contact. In truth, the distance is being halved repeatedly in smaller and smaller measures, preventing any harm from ever reaching him. This infinitesimal distance is so tiny that it cannot be perceived by the average observer.
Next up is the primary offensive move of the Limitless Technique, known as Lapse Blue. Commonly called ‘Blue’, this technique enables the user to control the force of attraction, functioning much like a black hole that draws everything into an infinitely dense core. The pull generated by Blue appears to be limitless, creating a gravitational effect that pulls all nearby objects into a single point.

With the mastery of Cursed Technique Reversal, Gojo stumbled upon a hidden element of the Limitless Technique referred to as Reversal Red. By adjusting the conventional method of creating Blue with Cursed Energy, he managed to reverse the energy’s behavior in his body, resulting in a force that produces infinite repulsion from a single point. While it is formed in a way akin to Blue, its application is the polar opposite, as it pushes everything away rather than attracting it.
Hollow Purple is a secret technique from the Gojo clan that only a few know about. By combining Lapse Blue and Reversal Red, the user creates a paradoxical mass that has the unique ability to attract and repel infinitely at the same time. Anything that enters its range is completely disintegrated. This is Gojo’s ultimate attack, capable of instantly defeating anyone who is weaker than him or Sukuna.
The Strength Of Gojo’s Infinite Void
The Most Powerful Domain Expansion

Domain Expansions represent the pinnacle of a sorcerer’s abilities, and Gojo certainly fits that description. His Domain, known as Infinite Void, is arguably the most formidable in the series. Just a brief exposure of 0.2 seconds can leave anyone in a catatonic state. While this duration may not seem significant for strong sorcerers or Cursed Spirits, ordinary humans can remain completely paralyzed for months.
This Domain Expansion represents the essence of Infinity, where the target is overwhelmed by an endless stream of information the instant the Domain activates. The flood of data is so immense that the target’s mind cannot process it all at once, leaving them frozen and at the mercy of Gojo’s desires. Faced with an abundance of knowledge, they find themselves powerless to act.