Get ready to harness the incredible abilities of your animal companions!
In Coin Master, the thrill of unlocking all your Pets simultaneously is just around the corner!
To maximize their potential, simply feed any of your hatched Pets to keep them energized. This will allow them to assist you in boosting your Attack and Raid rewards while also helping to defend your Village from attacks.

Note for Coin Master Players: Are you having trouble locating your pet friends? No need to worry! Although you won’t see Rhino displayed on the main screen, as long as he’s well-fed and awake, he can still contribute to protecting your Village from attacks. You can find and keep track of all your delightful creatures on the Pets screen.
This feature is accessible only at higher levels, so if you haven’t unlocked it yet, keep progressing through the game, and you’ll gain access soon!
We hope you enjoy the advantages of having all your furry friends by your side!