Ghost of Tsushima features a vast and enchanting open world filled with a variety of collectibles for players to uncover. From Vanity Gear and Mongol Artifacts to Sashimono Banners and Singing Crickets, there’s an abundance of valuable items waiting to be discovered as players journey through Tsushima Island. Some of these collectibles enhance the game’s lore, while others provide unique gameplay advantages. It’s reasonable to expect that Ghost of Yotei will follow a similar path, offering a rich open world with plenty of collectibles to find, although Sucker Punch has indicated that the next installment will improve upon the open world experience of Ghost of Tsushima.
It seems reasonable to think that Ghost of Yotei will offer players a variety of exciting collectibles to find, but it’s still uncertain what those items will be. Additionally, we don’t know if familiar collectible elements, such as Singing Crickets, will return in this new game. However, in its quest for historical authenticity, Ghost of Yotei might take cues from a genuine Japanese custom — Omamori.
Ghost of Yotei Could Feature Omamori as Collectibles
Omamori Are Traditional Japanese Amulets Said to Bring Good Fortune
The term “omamori” refers to traditional Japanese amulets, often called “good luck charms,” that are believed to offer protection and invite good fortune. These amulets have a long-standing history, stretching back thousands of years. Their beginnings can be traced to ancient Japan, where early forms such as magatama were used as protective talismans during the Jomon period (14,000 – 300 BCE). As Buddhism spread in the 6th century, the custom of carrying these charms became more widespread, with temples distributing them for protection.
Did you know that the omamori we recognize today—tiny pouches that hold prayers and inscriptions—became widely popular in the 17th century during the Edo period, the same time frame as the Ghost of Yotei story? This period saw a merging of Shinto and Buddhist practices, which resulted in omamori being embraced as personal protective charms. Given their significance and popularity, it would be a natural fit for omamori to appear as collectibles in the open world of Ghost of Yotei, adding depth to both the aesthetics and gameplay.
Ghost of Yotei’s Omamori Could Offer Unique Gameplay Benefits
Integrating omamori into Ghost of Yotei, set in 1603 Ezo (present-day Hokkaido), is a fantastic idea from a historical perspective. By making omamori collectibles, players could add a fun and unique flair to Atsu’s wardrobe, weapons, and tools. Just picture being able to attach these charming amulets to the hilts of her katanas, much like the Weapon Charms in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Even though the omamori would be small, their vibrant colors would catch the eye as Atsu swings her katanas in combat.
Introducing omamori could be a fresh approach to providing players with valuable gameplay perks. Some omamori could offer advantages such as restoring health, enhancing luck, or shielding against specific damage. Whether they are just for show or truly enrich the gameplay in Ghost of Yotei, adding omamori as collectibles would not only motivate players to explore but also immerse them in Japanese culture. Moreover, given the charm system in Ghost of Tsushima, it would be logical to adopt a similar mechanic with omamori.